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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6784f294a53910003e3213b7 Dr. Althea Deep Cleansing Balm 50 ml https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6784f3ebda91e6003eca952a/8809447255071.webp

Dr. Althea Deep Cleansing Balm is a gentle yet effective balm that melts away makeup, dirt, and impurities while nourishing the skin. Its silky formula transforms into an oil upon application, leaving the skin clean, soft, and hydrated.

Key Features:

  • Effectively removes makeup, including waterproof formulas.
  • Cleanses dirt, impurities, and excess oil.
  • Transforms from balm to oil for deep cleansing.
  • Leaves the skin soft and hydrated.
  • Contains nourishing and soothing ingredients.
  • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

  • Benefits:

  • Removes heavy makeup effortlessly.
  • Deeply cleanses pores for clearer skin.
  • Maintains skin's natural moisture balance.
  • Leaves no greasy residue after rinsing.
  • Protects the skin barrier during cleansing.
  • Promotes a soft and refreshed complexion.
  • Suitable for daily use without drying the skin.
  • Prepares the skin for the next steps in skincare.

Active Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Shea Butter: Deeply moisturizes and softens the skin.
  • Jojoba Oil: Dissolves impurities while hydrating the skin.
  • Centella Asiatica Extract: Calms and soothes irritated skin.
  • Vitamin E: Provides antioxidant protection and nourishes the skin.

Directions for Use:

Step 1: Scoop a small amount of the balm with clean fingers or a spatula.
Step 2: Apply to dry skin and massage gently in circular motions.
Step 3: Focus on areas with heavy makeup or impurities.
Step 4: Rinse thoroughly with warm water or use a damp cloth to remove.
Step 5: Follow with a gentle cleanser for double cleansing, if desired.

in stockSAR 79.95
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Dr. Althea Deep Cleansing Balm 50 ml

SAR 79.95

Dr. Althea Deep Cleansing Balm is a gentle yet effective balm that melts away makeup, dirt, and impurities while nourishing the skin. Its silky formula transforms into an oil upon application, leaving the skin clean, soft, and hydrated.

Key Features:

  • Effectively removes makeup, including waterproof formulas.
  • Cleanses dirt, impurities, and excess oil.
  • Transforms from balm to oil for deep cleansing.
  • Leaves the skin soft and hydrated.
  • Contains nourishing and soothing ingredients.
  • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

  • Benefits:

  • Removes heavy makeup effortlessly.
  • Deeply cleanses pores for clearer skin.
  • Maintains skin's natural moisture balance.
  • Leaves no greasy residue after rinsing.
  • Protects the skin barrier during cleansing.
  • Promotes a soft and refreshed complexion.
  • Suitable for daily use without drying the skin.
  • Prepares the skin for the next steps in skincare.

Active Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Shea Butter: Deeply moisturizes and softens the skin.
  • Jojoba Oil: Dissolves impurities while hydrating the skin.
  • Centella Asiatica Extract: Calms and soothes irritated skin.
  • Vitamin E: Provides antioxidant protection and nourishes the skin.

Directions for Use:

Step 1: Scoop a small amount of the balm with clean fingers or a spatula.
Step 2: Apply to dry skin and massage gently in circular motions.
Step 3: Focus on areas with heavy makeup or impurities.
Step 4: Rinse thoroughly with warm water or use a damp cloth to remove.
Step 5: Follow with a gentle cleanser for double cleansing, if desired.

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