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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6784f23635058b002b5ddedd Embryolisse Lait-Creme Concentre - 30ml https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6784f34bda91e6003eca91aa/3350900000394.jpg

Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré is a versatile, multi-purpose cream that deeply moisturizes, nourishes, and soothes the skin. Its rich yet lightweight texture makes it ideal as a moisturizer, primer, or even a makeup remover. A must-have for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Key Features:

  • Multi-purpose skincare cream for various uses.
  • Deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin.
  • Lightweight texture for easy absorption.
  • Acts as a primer, moisturizer, or makeup remover.
  • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
  • Enriched with nourishing and soothing ingredients.


  • Provides intense hydration for long-lasting moisture.
  • Soothes and softens skin for a smoother texture.
  • Strengthens the skin's natural barrier.
  • Ideal for use as a makeup base or primer.
  • Doubles as a makeup remover or hydrating mask.
  • Non-comedogenic and dermatologist-tested.
  • Lightweight and non-greasy for everyday use.
  • Leaves skin feeling healthy, supple, and radiant.

Active Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Shea Butter: Deeply moisturizes and repairs dry, flaky skin.
  • Soy Proteins: Enhances skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Aloe Vera Extract: Hydrates and calms irritation.
  • Beeswax: Creates a breathable barrier to protect the skin.

Directions for Use:

Step 1: Cleanse your face and pat it dry.
Step 2: Take a small amount of the cream on your fingertips.
Step 3: Gently apply to the face, neck, or dry areas.
Step 4: Massage into the skin until fully absorbed.
Step 5: Use as a daily moisturizer, morning and evening.
Step 6: For use as a primer, apply a thin layer before makeup.
Step 7: For a mask, apply a thick layer, leave for 15 minutes, and wipe off any excess.

in stockSAR 75.67
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A must-have for all skin types, including sensitive skin.</p>\n<p><strong>Key Features:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Multi-purpose skincare cream for various uses.</li>\n<li>Deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin.</li>\n<li>Lightweight texture for easy absorption.</li>\n<li>Acts as a primer, moisturizer, or makeup remover.</li>\n<li>Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.</li>\n<li>Enriched with nourishing and soothing ingredients.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br /><strong>Benefits:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Provides intense hydration for long-lasting moisture.</li>\n<li>Soothes and softens skin for a smoother texture.</li>\n<li>Strengthens the skin's natural barrier.</li>\n<li>Ideal for use as a makeup base or primer.</li>\n<li>Doubles as a makeup remover or hydrating mask.</li>\n<li>Non-comedogenic and dermatologist-tested.</li>\n<li>Lightweight and non-greasy for everyday use.</li>\n<li>Leaves skin feeling healthy, supple, and radiant.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br /><strong>Active Ingredients and Their Benefits:</strong></p>\n<ul>\n<li>Shea Butter: Deeply moisturizes and repairs dry, flaky skin.</li>\n<li>Soy Proteins: Enhances skin elasticity and smoothness.</li>\n<li>Aloe Vera Extract: Hydrates and calms irritation.</li>\n<li>Beeswax: Creates a breathable barrier to protect the skin.</li>\n</ul>\n<p><br /><strong>Directions for Use:</strong></p>\n<p>Step 1: Cleanse your face and pat it dry.<br />Step 2: Take a small amount of the cream on your fingertips.<br />Step 3: Gently apply to the face, neck, or dry areas.<br />Step 4: Massage into the skin until fully absorbed.<br />Step 5: Use as a daily moisturizer, morning and evening.<br />Step 6: For use as a primer, apply a thin layer before makeup.<br />Step 7: For a mask, apply a thick layer, leave for 15 minutes, and wipe off any excess.</p>","_updated_by":"530d7f8bc6b8283a11000003","collections":["non-medicine-2024","elm","all-skin-types","valentine-day","ksa-code","make-upandskin-care-25percent"],"min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"original_sort_order":0,"last_order_date":"2025-03-17T15:54:02.534Z","last_order_id":"OID289038","total_order_count":63,"total_sales_amount":4767.21,"list_price":75.67,"our_price":75.67,"original_price":75.67,"discounts_total":0,"discounts_percentage":"0.000","discount_total":0,"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"6784f34bda91e6003eca91aa/3350900000394.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"6784f34bda91e6003eca91a9","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"3350900000394.jpg","_id":"6784f34bda91e6003eca91aa"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}

Embryolisse Lait-Creme Concentre - 30ml

SAR 75.67

Embryolisse Lait-Crème Concentré is a versatile, multi-purpose cream that deeply moisturizes, nourishes, and soothes the skin. Its rich yet lightweight texture makes it ideal as a moisturizer, primer, or even a makeup remover. A must-have for all skin types, including sensitive skin.

Key Features:

  • Multi-purpose skincare cream for various uses.
  • Deeply hydrates and nourishes the skin.
  • Lightweight texture for easy absorption.
  • Acts as a primer, moisturizer, or makeup remover.
  • Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive skin.
  • Enriched with nourishing and soothing ingredients.


  • Provides intense hydration for long-lasting moisture.
  • Soothes and softens skin for a smoother texture.
  • Strengthens the skin's natural barrier.
  • Ideal for use as a makeup base or primer.
  • Doubles as a makeup remover or hydrating mask.
  • Non-comedogenic and dermatologist-tested.
  • Lightweight and non-greasy for everyday use.
  • Leaves skin feeling healthy, supple, and radiant.

Active Ingredients and Their Benefits:

  • Shea Butter: Deeply moisturizes and repairs dry, flaky skin.
  • Soy Proteins: Enhances skin elasticity and smoothness.
  • Aloe Vera Extract: Hydrates and calms irritation.
  • Beeswax: Creates a breathable barrier to protect the skin.

Directions for Use:

Step 1: Cleanse your face and pat it dry.
Step 2: Take a small amount of the cream on your fingertips.
Step 3: Gently apply to the face, neck, or dry areas.
Step 4: Massage into the skin until fully absorbed.
Step 5: Use as a daily moisturizer, morning and evening.
Step 6: For use as a primer, apply a thin layer before makeup.
Step 7: For a mask, apply a thick layer, leave for 15 minutes, and wipe off any excess.

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