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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
6719daad76b30d002b02ccaf Enzymax Forte 20 Cap https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/6719da835aa0710024f59fca/3d_enzymax_cap.webp

Product Description:

  • Enzymax forte is a well-balanced combination of specific digestive enzymes present in a capsule inside a capsule with innovative technology which offers a dual release in both the stomach and intestine. 
  • The external capsule will disintegrate after entering the stomach, enzymes will be active and stable at the acid ph conditions of the stomach.
  • The internal capsule: is a gastric resistant one, it is made of a vegetable polymer, whole enzyme content of the capsule will be delivered in the small intestine, enzymes are selected to have a range of ph activity adapted to the small intestine ph conditions.
  • Enzymax forte effectively promotes the complete digestion of dietary proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
  • This optimum digestive power of enzymax forte and the dual release through the capsule technology helps overcome digestive disorders and compensates for protein, carbohydrates, or fat intolerance.

How to use:

  • 1-2 capsules at the start of the main meal or as directed by your health practitioner or doctor.

Caution & Warnings:

  • It is recommended not to exceed the stated recommended daily dose.
  • Food supplements should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Do not store above 30° C.
  • If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor or practitioner before using this product
  • Keep out of the reach and sight of children.


  • lipase, Amylase, Glucoamylase, Alpha Galactosidase, Protease 3.0, Protease 6.0, Neutral Protease, Protease 4.5
in stockSAR 85
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Enzymax Forte 20 Cap

SAR 85

Product Description:

  • Enzymax forte is a well-balanced combination of specific digestive enzymes present in a capsule inside a capsule with innovative technology which offers a dual release in both the stomach and intestine. 
  • The external capsule will disintegrate after entering the stomach, enzymes will be active and stable at the acid ph conditions of the stomach.
  • The internal capsule: is a gastric resistant one, it is made of a vegetable polymer, whole enzyme content of the capsule will be delivered in the small intestine, enzymes are selected to have a range of ph activity adapted to the small intestine ph conditions.
  • Enzymax forte effectively promotes the complete digestion of dietary proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.
  • This optimum digestive power of enzymax forte and the dual release through the capsule technology helps overcome digestive disorders and compensates for protein, carbohydrates, or fat intolerance.

How to use:

  • 1-2 capsules at the start of the main meal or as directed by your health practitioner or doctor.

Caution & Warnings:

  • It is recommended not to exceed the stated recommended daily dose.
  • Food supplements should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
  • Do not store above 30° C.
  • If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor or practitioner before using this product
  • Keep out of the reach and sight of children.


  • lipase, Amylase, Glucoamylase, Alpha Galactosidase, Protease 3.0, Protease 6.0, Neutral Protease, Protease 4.5
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