67b2e6f1ca1e99002b15a970KIYOMI SKIN DAY CREAM 50 mlhttps://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/67b2e78341f479003e541eb2/54693percent20percent20percent202.webpKIYOMI SKIN FACE CREAM
The innovative Skin Energy moisturizer for the face - with the body's own amino acid 5-ALA, hyaluronic acid and beta glucan
The perfume-free KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream is an intensively moisturizing cream with a plumping effect for every day.
The effect of 5-ALA, beta-glucan and hyaluronic acid when using the face cream
The face cream contains the body's own amino acid 5-ALA and hyaluronic acid . Both active ingredients are characterized by their excellent moisturizing properties and their good tolerability.
Accompanied by beta-glucan, the KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream offers an innovative and unique combination of active ingredients on the German market for deep hydration of the skin. With regular use, skin moisture is proven to be improved and the first visual signs of skin aging are reduced*. The elasticity of the skin is also proven to be improved, resulting in a visibly firmer and smoother complexion*. In addition, the formation of new wrinkles can be slowed down with regular use.
Additional ingredients and valuable extracts for daily care
Avenanthramide extracted from oats soothes and protects the skin at the same time thanks to its antioxidant effect. The additional squalane and shea butter ensure that the skin can retain moisture for a long time, reduce transepidermal water loss and leave the skin feeling wonderfully silky and soft.
Rounded off with vitamin E to stimulate collagen synthesis and support the skin's natural elasticity, as well as organic cucumber extract for a wonderfully light freshness,
the KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream with hyaluronic acid is an ideal everyday companion for your skin.
Main Ingerdients:
has been used effectively in cosmetic products in Japan for many years.
5-Aminolevulinic acid increases the water content of the skin and has been proven to reduce wrinkles.
+ Moisturizing
+ Collagen production
+ Revitalizing
+ suitable for all skin types
Beta-glucan penetrates deep into the dermis of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves the viscoelasticity of the skin and promotes cell renewal.
Acetylated hyaluronic acid
Compared to classic hyaluronic acid, it has a significantly better ability to retain moisture in the epidermis. Improves the elasticity of the skin, repairs the skin barrier and has a skin-smoothing effect.
Shea Butter
Shea butter has protective, soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its beneficial effects, shea butter is particularly suitable for dry or sensitive skin.54693
in stockSAR172.5
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{"_id":"67b2e6f1ca1e99002b15a970","sku":"54693","brand":"KIYOMI","name":"KIYOMI SKIN DAY CREAM 50 ml","publish":"1","price":172.5,"seller":"5e5ba36356297b5dd7d7df93","approve":"approved","shippingTax":"default","unique_barcodes":[],"uniquesku":["54693"],"attributes":[{"name":"_brand","value":"KIYOMI","_id":"67c408d5e00a4000245eb8a2"}],"available":true,"sort_order":0,"compare_price_discount":0,"compare_price_discount_pct":0,"images":[{"image":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb2/54693percent20percent20percent202.webp","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb1","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"54693%20%20%202.webp","_id":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb2"}}},{"image":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb4/54693.webp","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb3","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"54693.webp","_id":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb4"}}}],"media":[],"inventory_management":"automatic","dimension":{},"options":[],"SEO":{},"files":[],"location_availability_mode":"default","ondc":{},"google_shopping":{},"gift_card_options":{"type":"digital","valid_for":{}},"metafields":{"how_to_use":"HOW TO USE\n\nAFTER CLEANSING AND APPLYING SERUM IF DESIRED,\n GENTLY MASSAGE A PEA-SIZED AMOUNT INTO YOUR SKIN UNTIL FULLY ABSORBED. FOR BEST RESULTS, APPLY THE DAY CREAM EVERY MORNING.","ingredients":"5ALA\n-Hyaluronic Acid\n-Beta Glucagon & Avenathramide& Antioxidants\n-VitE\n-Shea Butter\n-Glycerine\n-Lactic Acid\n-Lavender Oil\nCucumber organic Extract","benefits":"Skin Energy active ingredient 5-ALA\n\n✔ Moisturizes intensively and quickly\n\n✔ Gives a smooth, radiant complexion\n\n✔ Reduces the first signs of skin ageing\n\n✔ Helps with dryness lines\n\n✔ Improves the elasticity of the skin\n\nBeta-glucan\n penetrates deep into the dermis of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves the viscoelasticity of the skin and promotes cell renewal.\n\nAcetylated hyaluronic acid\nCompared to classic hyaluronic acid, it has a significantly better ability to retain moisture in the epidermis. Improves the elasticity of the skin, repairs the skin barrier and has a skin-smoothing effect.\n\nShea Butter\n has protective, soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its beneficial effects, shea butter is particularly suitable for dry or sensitive skin.","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{}},"variants":[],"alias":"kiyomi-skin-day-cream-50-ml","created_on":"2025-02-17T07:36:17.786Z","_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"كيومى كريم الوجه 50 مل","description":"كيومى كريم الوجه \nيوفر كريم كيومى الخاص بنا رطوبة مكثفة ويقلل من علامات الشيخوخة ويمنحك بشرة مشرقة.\n\nمرطب الوجه المبتكر - مع الأحماض الأمينية الخاصة بالجسم 5-ALA وحمض الهيالورونيك وبيتا جلوكان. \n الخالي من العطور هو كريم مرطب بشكل مكثف مع تأثير ممتلئ لكل يوم.\n\nتأثير 5-ALA وبيتا جلوكان وحمض الهيالورونيك عند استخدام كريم الوجه \nيحتوي كريم الوجه على الأحماض الأمينية الخاصة بالجسم - وحمض الهيالورونيك . يتميز كلا المكونين النشطين بخصائص الترطيب الممتازة وقابلية التحمل الجيدة،\n\nالمصحوب بالبيتا جلوكان، يمنح المنتج مزيجًا مبتكرًا من المكونات النشطة الفريدة من نوعها في السوق الألمانية للترطيب العميق للبشرة. مع الاستخدام المنتظم، تتحسن رطوبة البشرة بشكل واضح وتقل العلامات المرئية الأولى لشيخوخة الجلد*. كما تم تحسين مرونة الجلد بشكل واضح، مما يؤدي إلى بشرة مشدودة وأكثر نعومة بشكل واضح*. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن إبطاء تكوين التجاعيد الجديدة مع الاستخدام المنتظم.\n\n\nمكونات إضافية ومستخلصات قيمة للعناية اليومية\n\nأفينانثراميد المستخرج من الشوفان يهدئ البشرة ويحميها من خلال تأثيره المضاد للأكسدة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يحتوي على السكوالان وزبدة الشيا لضمان قدرة الجلد على الاحتفاظ بالرطوبة لفترة طويلة، وتقليل فقدان الماء عبر البشرة ويترك البشرة ناعمة وحريرية وناعمة. KIYOMI ، \n\nمدعم بفيتامين E \nلتحفيز تخليق الكولاجين ودعم مرونة البشرة الطبيعية، بالإضافة إلى مستخلص الخيار العضوي للحصول على نضارة خفيفة رائعة، وهو الرفيق اليومي المثالي لبشرتك.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"بعد تنظيف البيشرة يتم وضع كمية صغيرة \nويتم التدليك برفق حتى يتم امتصاصة بالكامل \nوللحصول على افض نتيجة يستخدم فى الصباح مرة واحدة يوميا","ingredients":"5ALA\n-Hyaluronic Acid\n-Beta Glucagon & Avenathramide& Antioxidants\n-VitE\n-Shea Butter\n-Glycerine\n-Lactic Acid\n-Lavender Oil\nCucumber organic Extract","benefits":"كيومى كريم يعمل على ترطيب وشد البشرة\n وتقليل التجاعيد وتنشيط خلايا الجلد وبعطى البشره اشراقة ونضارة دائمه\nويحسن من مرونة الجلد"}}}},"categories":["skin-care","moisturizer","face-moisturizer"],"default_variant":null,"description":"KIYOMI SKIN FACE CREAM\nThe innovative Skin Energy moisturizer for the face - with the body's own amino acid 5-ALA, hyaluronic acid and beta glucan \n\nThe perfume-free KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream is an intensively moisturizing cream with a plumping effect for every day.\n\nThe effect of 5-ALA, beta-glucan and hyaluronic acid when using the face cream \nThe face cream contains the body's own amino acid 5-ALA and hyaluronic acid . Both active ingredients are characterized by their excellent moisturizing properties and their good tolerability.\n\nAccompanied by beta-glucan, the KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream offers an innovative and unique combination of active ingredients on the German market for deep hydration of the skin. With regular use, skin moisture is proven to be improved and the first visual signs of skin aging are reduced*. The elasticity of the skin is also proven to be improved, resulting in a visibly firmer and smoother complexion*. In addition, the formation of new wrinkles can be slowed down with regular use.\n\n\nAdditional ingredients and valuable extracts for daily care\n\nAvenanthramide extracted from oats soothes and protects the skin at the same time thanks to its antioxidant effect. The additional squalane and shea butter ensure that the skin can retain moisture for a long time, reduce transepidermal water loss and leave the skin feeling wonderfully silky and soft.\n\nRounded off with vitamin E to stimulate collagen synthesis and support the skin's natural elasticity, as well as organic cucumber extract for a wonderfully light freshness, \n\nthe KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream with hyaluronic acid is an ideal everyday companion for your skin.\n\nMain Ingerdients:\n5-ALA\nhas been used effectively in cosmetic products in Japan for many years. \n5-Aminolevulinic acid increases the water content of the skin and has been proven to reduce wrinkles.\n\n+ Moisturizing\n+ Collagen production\n+ Revitalizing\n+ suitable for all skin types\n\nBeta-glucan\nBeta-glucan penetrates deep into the dermis of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves the viscoelasticity of the skin and promotes cell renewal.\n\nAcetylated hyaluronic acid\nCompared to classic hyaluronic acid, it has a significantly better ability to retain moisture in the epidermis. Improves the elasticity of the skin, repairs the skin barrier and has a skin-smoothing effect.\n\n\nShea Butter\nShea butter has protective, soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its beneficial effects, shea butter is particularly suitable for dry or sensitive skin.","inventory_management_level":"product","inventory_quantity":12,"kunooz_sort_order":1000,"substore":["kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","updated_on":"2025-03-02T07:29:25.833Z","whites_sort_order":1000,"collections":["16-march-50percent","skin-care-offers","exclude-from-loyalty"],"min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":345,"our_price":345,"original_price":345,"discounts_total":172.5,"discounts_percentage":50,"discount_total":172.5,"discounts":[{"_id":"66ab33ee6e11ec350b057d22","name":"Save 50%","saved_amount":172.5,"type":"percentage","amount":50,"description":"Save 50%"}],"original_sort_order":0,"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb2/54693percent20percent20percent202.webp","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb1","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"54693%20%20%202.webp","_id":"67b2e78341f479003e541eb2"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}
The innovative Skin Energy moisturizer for the face - with the body's own amino acid 5-ALA, hyaluronic acid and beta glucan
The perfume-free KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream is an intensively moisturizing cream with a plumping effect for every day.
The effect of 5-ALA, beta-glucan and hyaluronic acid when using the face cream
The face cream contains the body's own amino acid 5-ALA and hyaluronic acid . Both active ingredients are characterized by their excellent moisturizing properties and their good tolerability.
Accompanied by beta-glucan, the KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream offers an innovative and unique combination of active ingredients on the German market for deep hydration of the skin. With regular use, skin moisture is proven to be improved and the first visual signs of skin aging are reduced*. The elasticity of the skin is also proven to be improved, resulting in a visibly firmer and smoother complexion*. In addition, the formation of new wrinkles can be slowed down with regular use.
Additional ingredients and valuable extracts for daily care
Avenanthramide extracted from oats soothes and protects the skin at the same time thanks to its antioxidant effect. The additional squalane and shea butter ensure that the skin can retain moisture for a long time, reduce transepidermal water loss and leave the skin feeling wonderfully silky and soft.
Rounded off with vitamin E to stimulate collagen synthesis and support the skin's natural elasticity, as well as organic cucumber extract for a wonderfully light freshness,
the KIYOMI SKIN 5-ALA Skin Energy face cream with hyaluronic acid is an ideal everyday companion for your skin.
Main Ingerdients:
has been used effectively in cosmetic products in Japan for many years.
5-Aminolevulinic acid increases the water content of the skin and has been proven to reduce wrinkles.
+ Moisturizing
+ Collagen production
+ Revitalizing
+ suitable for all skin types
Beta-glucan penetrates deep into the dermis of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves the viscoelasticity of the skin and promotes cell renewal.
Acetylated hyaluronic acid
Compared to classic hyaluronic acid, it has a significantly better ability to retain moisture in the epidermis. Improves the elasticity of the skin, repairs the skin barrier and has a skin-smoothing effect.
Shea Butter
Shea butter has protective, soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its beneficial effects, shea butter is particularly suitable for dry or sensitive skin.
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Skin Energy active ingredient 5-ALA
✔ Moisturizes intensively and quickly
✔ Gives a smooth, radiant complexion
✔ Reduces the first signs of skin ageing
✔ Helps with dryness lines
✔ Improves the elasticity of the skin
penetrates deep into the dermis of the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis, improves the viscoelasticity of the skin and promotes cell renewal.
Acetylated hyaluronic acid
Compared to classic hyaluronic acid, it has a significantly better ability to retain moisture in the epidermis. Improves the elasticity of the skin, repairs the skin barrier and has a skin-smoothing effect.
Shea Butter
has protective, soothing, moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its beneficial effects, shea butter is particularly suitable for dry or sensitive skin.
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