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One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, 13315 Riyadh SA
One Square - Ar Rabi, 7773, Riyadh, SA
+966920011682 https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/ms.substores/5e71d557b3229477aca4a8fb/5e74ab41c3d17afad04e1ce7-480x480.png" [email protected]
66f3faf64df489002bd6957b Limitless C-Zinc Original Lozenges https://desktop.mobitual.com/s/5e5b8eb5e1a30016118f588f/66f3fe2417017e002b62a505/limitlesspercent20cpercent20zincpercent2051466.jpg Active ingredient: •Vitamin C 100mg. •Zinc 5mg. Description and Indications: •30 Lozenges. •Each Serving 1 Lozenges Contains 5 mg Zinc and 100 mg Vitamin. •To Support a Healthy Immune System. It is safe for Diabetic & Renal patients. •Oral lozenges to improve the absorption of vitamin C and zinc in the body to raise the efficiency of the immune system, in addition to being completely safe for the whole family. •Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is recommended for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions. 51466
in stockSAR 18.56
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It is safe for Diabetic & Renal patients.\n•Oral lozenges to improve the absorption of vitamin C and zinc in the body to raise the efficiency of the immune system, in addition to being completely safe for the whole family.\n•Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is recommended for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions.","benefits":"•30 Lozenge tab•\nEach\n Serving 1 Lozenges Contains 5 mg Zinc and 100 mg Vitamin.\n•To Support a Healthy Immune System. It is safe for Diabetic & Renal patients.\n•Oral lozenges to improve the absorption of vitamin C and zinc in the body to raise the efficiency of the immune system, in addition to being completely safe for the whole family.\n•Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is recommended for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions.\"","unitSAP":"EA","skin_tone":[],"lips":[],"kunooz_seo":{},"whites_seo":{}},"variants":[],"alias":"limitless-c-zinc-original-lozenges","created_on":"2024-09-25T11:58:46.916Z","_created_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","_metadata":{"i18n":{"AR":{"name":"ليمتلس سى زنك اوريجنال استحلاب","description":"• فيتامين سي 100 ملغ.\n• الزنك 5 ملغ.\nالوصف والاستطبابات:\n• 30 معينات.\n• كل حصة 1 أقراص استحلاب تحتوي على 5 ملغ من الزنك و 100 ملغ من فيتامين.\n• لدعم نظام المناعة الصحي. إنه آمن لمرضى السكري والكلى.\n• أقراص استحلاب فموية لتحسين امتصاص فيتامين سي والزنك في الجسم لرفع كفاءة الجهاز المناعي ، بالإضافة إلى كونها آمنة تماما لجميع أفراد الأسرة.\n• اثنين من أقراص الاستحلاب تزود الجسم ب 222٪ من فيتامين C و 90٪ من الزنك RDA للبالغين الذي يوصى به لتعزيز جهاز المناعة من خلال تعزيز وظائف الخلايا المناعية المختلفة.","metafields":{"how_to_use":"\"الجرعة الموصى بها:\n• الكبار: قرصين مرتين يومياً\n• الأطفال: قرص واحد مرتين يومياً\"","ingredients":"• فيتامين سي 100 ملغ.\n• الزنك 5 ملغ.\nالوصف والاستطبابات:\n• 30 معينات.\n• كل حصة 1 أقراص استحلاب تحتوي على 5 ملغ من الزنك و 100 ملغ من فيتامين.\n• لدعم نظام المناعة الصحي. إنه آمن لمرضى السكري والكلى.\n• أقراص استحلاب فموية لتحسين امتصاص فيتامين سي والزنك في الجسم لرفع كفاءة الجهاز المناعي ، بالإضافة إلى كونها آمنة تماما لجميع أفراد الأسرة.\n• اثنين من أقراص الاستحلاب تزود الجسم ب 222٪ من فيتامين C و 90٪ من الزنك RDA للبالغين الذي يوصى به لتعزيز جهاز المناعة من خلال تعزيز وظائف الخلايا المناعية المختلفة.","benefits":"•30 قرص لاستحلاب الفموى\nكل قرص يحتوي على 5 ملغ من الزنك و 100 ملغ من فيتامين.\n• لدعم نظام المناعة الصحي. إنه آمن لمرضى السكري والكلى.\n• أقراص استحلاب فموية لتحسين امتصاص فيتامين سي والزنك في الجسم لرفع كفاءة الجهاز المناعي ، بالإضافة إلى كونها آمنة تماما لجميع أفراد الأسرة.\n• اثنين من معينات تزويد الجسم مع 222٪ من فيتامين C و 90 ٪ من الزنك RDA للبالغين الذي يوصى به لتعزيز الجهاز المناعي من خلال تعزيز وظائف الخلايا المناعية المختلفة."}}}},"categories":["wellness","medications","otc-2","pharmacy","medicines-1","otc-3"],"default_variant":null,"description":"Active ingredient:\n•Vitamin C 100mg.\n•Zinc 5mg.\nDescription and Indications:\n•30 Lozenges.\n•Each Serving 1 Lozenges Contains 5 mg Zinc and 100 mg Vitamin.\n•To Support a Healthy Immune System. It is safe for Diabetic & Renal patients.\n•Oral lozenges to improve the absorption of vitamin C and zinc in the body to raise the efficiency of the immune system, in addition to being completely safe for the whole family.\n•Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is recommended for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions.","inventory_management_level":"product","inventory_quantity":6,"kunooz_sort_order":1000,"substore":["whites-express","kunooz","whites","store-whites","store-kunooz"],"tax":"5e7afbf58c3a1a400643f7c3","updated_on":"2025-03-09T07:30:59.513Z","whites_sort_order":1000,"collections":["exclude-from-coupon","tiqmo","non-medicine-2024","almatar-collection"],"_updated_by":"647ca77ccd69b4dec86358d8","min_limit_to_buy_this_product":1,"list_price":18.56,"our_price":18.56,"original_price":18.56,"discounts_total":0,"discounts_percentage":"0.000","discount_total":0,"original_sort_order":0,"approved_prescription":"unapproved","featured_image":{"image":"66f3fe2417017e002b62a505/limitlesspercent20cpercent20zincpercent2051466.jpg","caption":"","tags":"","_id":"66f3fe2417017e002b62a504","_metadata":{"image":{"type":"image/jpeg","name":"Limitless%20c%20zinc%2051466.jpg","_id":"66f3fe2417017e002b62a505"}}},"selected_options":{},"selected_variant":{},"newimages":true}

Limitless C-Zinc Original Lozenges

SAR 18.56

Active ingredient: •Vitamin C 100mg. •Zinc 5mg. Description and Indications: •30 Lozenges. •Each Serving 1 Lozenges Contains 5 mg Zinc and 100 mg Vitamin. •To Support a Healthy Immune System. It is safe for Diabetic & Renal patients. •Oral lozenges to improve the absorption of vitamin C and zinc in the body to raise the efficiency of the immune system, in addition to being completely safe for the whole family. •Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is recommended for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions.
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•30 Lozenge tab• Each Serving 1 Lozenges Contains 5 mg Zinc and 100 mg Vitamin. •To Support a Healthy Immune System. It is safe for Diabetic & Renal patients. •Oral lozenges to improve the absorption of vitamin C and zinc in the body to raise the efficiency of the immune system, in addition to being completely safe for the whole family. •Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is recommended for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions."
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Recommended dosage: •Adults: 2 tablets 2 times daily •Children: 1 tablet 2 times daily
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Active ingredient: •Vitamin C 100mg. •Zinc 5mg. Description and Indications: •30 Lozenges. •Each Serving 1 Lozenges Contains 5 mg Zinc and 100 mg Vitamin. •To Support a Healthy Immune System. It is safe for Diabetic & Renal patients. •Oral lozenges to improve the absorption of vitamin C and zinc in the body to raise the efficiency of the immune system, in addition to being completely safe for the whole family. •Two lozenges Provide the body with 222% of Vitamin C and 90 % of Zinc RDA for Adult which is recommended for boosting the immune system by enhancing various immune cell functions.
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